freemindfade7 minutes ago
The United church of derp! Converting immediately....
The church of derp would be the single greatest church ever. And here is their messiah:
last night a young man in a bar struck up a conversation with me.
our town is having our pride parade soon and he brought it up, the bible and how it's against the bible.
me being me, i said that i couldn't care less that it was against the bible and that it was a horrible guide for morality anyway.
freemindfade7 minutes ago
The United church of derp! Converting immediately....
The church of derp would be the single greatest church ever. And here is their messiah:
last night a young man in a bar struck up a conversation with me.
our town is having our pride parade soon and he brought it up, the bible and how it's against the bible.
me being me, i said that i couldn't care less that it was against the bible and that it was a horrible guide for morality anyway.
Clambake5 minutes ago
You quoted the bible out of context and mock anyone who disagrees with you.
I am thinking Viviane is an undercover elder.
I challenge this.
please show us how she quoted it out of context.
last night a young man in a bar struck up a conversation with me.
our town is having our pride parade soon and he brought it up, the bible and how it's against the bible.
me being me, i said that i couldn't care less that it was against the bible and that it was a horrible guide for morality anyway.
Reading the bible looking for technicalities to try and disprove it is the same mentality of reading the bible and finding reasons to let your children die from not giving them blood transfusions.
Except that one requires ignoring the book and picking and choosing what is literal and not, as well as the self deception to dance around obvious things like vivs example - and the other involves none of that and taking the book at its word.
Except for that I'd agree.
last night a young man in a bar struck up a conversation with me.
our town is having our pride parade soon and he brought it up, the bible and how it's against the bible.
me being me, i said that i couldn't care less that it was against the bible and that it was a horrible guide for morality anyway.
Wow. Lol.
Thats really the norm too, even for dubs. They all think they know it so well but then you point out something completely contrary to their doctrine, ideas, or some other part of the book and instead of just accepting it they dance around it like crazy people.
the reason i entitled this "problems with common atheist arguments" instead of "the case against atheism" is that many atheists claim that atheism is not a belief system, makes no claims, and has no requirements to follow, so there's no way to argue against atheism itself.
i will go along with this idea, and argue against the most frequently used arguments of atheists instead of atheism itself.disclaimer # 1: this is not an argument against atheism or all atheists.
no, rather this is an argument against the most frequently used claims and arguments made by the atheists i speak to on twitter.
For whom does the bell derp? It derps for thee.
the reason i entitled this "problems with common atheist arguments" instead of "the case against atheism" is that many atheists claim that atheism is not a belief system, makes no claims, and has no requirements to follow, so there's no way to argue against atheism itself.
i will go along with this idea, and argue against the most frequently used arguments of atheists instead of atheism itself.disclaimer # 1: this is not an argument against atheism or all atheists.
no, rather this is an argument against the most frequently used claims and arguments made by the atheists i speak to on twitter.
LOL. You're revealing your own thoughts. According to you I'm some "derp", whatever that means, yet you keep answering me. Now you claim I'm some "derpster" who does what? Forces you to respond to my posts? Be careful you may be fulfilling a false stereotype.
If you'd just look up derp you might understand why probably most readers are laughing heartily at this back and forth.
the reason i entitled this "problems with common atheist arguments" instead of "the case against atheism" is that many atheists claim that atheism is not a belief system, makes no claims, and has no requirements to follow, so there's no way to argue against atheism itself.
i will go along with this idea, and argue against the most frequently used arguments of atheists instead of atheism itself.disclaimer # 1: this is not an argument against atheism or all atheists.
no, rather this is an argument against the most frequently used claims and arguments made by the atheists i speak to on twitter.
Looking to the past we could find a myriad of tortures inflicted on the innocent. Was crucifixion a "religious" punishment in Rome or a secular one?
All this really shows is the accuracy of saying that modern religion is an ancient morality. Back when these things were being done religion wasn't always the cause, but it always supported it and sometimes encouraged it.
today it still encourages it, and directly causes huge amounts of suffering. And it is always certain to be somehow involved.
Meanwhile, secularists are the only voice of reason that you hear.
Religion kept people in darkness and ignorance while it reigned. It's ONLY SINCE ITS FALL that society has thought, "hey, some of these things are bad" and "people might have rights".
the reason i entitled this "problems with common atheist arguments" instead of "the case against atheism" is that many atheists claim that atheism is not a belief system, makes no claims, and has no requirements to follow, so there's no way to argue against atheism itself.
i will go along with this idea, and argue against the most frequently used arguments of atheists instead of atheism itself.disclaimer # 1: this is not an argument against atheism or all atheists.
no, rather this is an argument against the most frequently used claims and arguments made by the atheists i speak to on twitter.
Fusion Theism. Your post is one of the most intelligent pieces I have seen on this sight in a long, long time, if not ever.
For many it will be like an airplane joke.
This place here is a tough crowd.
I don't see many here displaying critical thinking abilities.
There is nothing good about this post at all. It is merely a lengthy display of ignorance and a love of ignorance and a desire to make sure everyone else is just as ignorant for fear of realizing that life has so far been one of ignorance.
There is nothing wrong with facing that though, we are ignorant of many things about nature - but some people are intelligent about it, and seek to do away with the ignorance instead of steep the world in it.
it is time for christians to accept evolution, in my opinion.. there are many reasons why i think it is long overdue for all christians to finally accept what science says about evolution.
below i will show these reasons.. .
the bible tells people to pay attention to nature to see the glory of god (psalm 19; romans 1:19-20).
I do not believe evolution is the "driving force responsible for all the beauty, majesty and genetic order around us".
You have chosen the wrong words. It's not a matter of belief, you either accept it or you do not.
Suggested reading,
Why Evolution is True by Jerry Coyne
Undeniable by Bill Nye
the reason i entitled this "problems with common atheist arguments" instead of "the case against atheism" is that many atheists claim that atheism is not a belief system, makes no claims, and has no requirements to follow, so there's no way to argue against atheism itself.
i will go along with this idea, and argue against the most frequently used arguments of atheists instead of atheism itself.disclaimer # 1: this is not an argument against atheism or all atheists.
no, rather this is an argument against the most frequently used claims and arguments made by the atheists i speak to on twitter.
I'm so tired of your posts.
This whole thing is undermined right from the start:
philosphy and theology are completely different things.
a philosophy can be a system of thought based on a study or investigation. Or it can be defined as,
- the rational investigation of the truths and principles of being, knowledge, or conduct.
But no matter which way you define philosophy it does your point no credit. Any rational investigation of theism is going to yield the philosophy that it cannot be proven and that there is mounting evidence against it.